Monday, October 8, 2012

Thinking about what you have read and changeing it into writing

Have you ever opened a book one morning, skipped all meals in  the day to finish, and when you have, open the cover again, to re-read it?

That book is the example of what all of us fiction writers want to achieve. A captivated reader. I know that if just one person loves my story, then all the stress of writing will be worth it. I can't imagine how amazing it would be to have millions loving it.

When you read, what happens to your mind? Does it close up to everything around you turning a page every five seconds, or, every paragraph or two, do you pull your eyes from the page, so you can contemplate what you have read, or do you take everything in, while fully aware of your surroundings?
There are many others, but those are the ones I see most in people when they are reading.

What book are you reading right now? What part are you up to? What is happening? Is it a battle scene, hospital scene? Where does it take place? Who is it talking about? Who is the main character at this point in the story? What do you think they are feeling? What do you know they are feeling, and how would you feel in that situation? How would you like to feel? What do you think is going to happen next?

Why are you reading this? Is it an assessment? Write all of this down, don;t let any of these thoughts go to waste.

If your not reading one right now, grab one off of your book shelf, think about a book that you have already read,  read half of one of the fairy tales on the web, read part of an story online for free, or think about a book that you have been told about, but never read.

Open a word document if you can, or write it down on paper, or as soon as you can. Answer all of these questions, and any more you come up with.

Don't think while writing. Let your emotions flood onto the page. Don't hold anything back. Write about where you were when you read that part of the book, what else you have done there, why, with who? Write about who told you about the book, why you read it. Did it appear on the shelves at the shop/library? What else have you read/bought from there? What did you do with it? Who did you show it to? Who did you talk about it to? What else have you done with them?
If you find yourself writing about your Grandmother's cat, don't hold back. Keep writing. An story idea may come from this, or an idea to use in a story, or maybe nothing, but getting your thoughts out will calm you, clear your mind, and let you know yourself more. This exercise will help.

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